Lincolnshire Primary Care Networks

Primary Care Networks (PCN) are now a well-established part of the local health and care architecture. There are 14 PCNs in Lincolnshire meaning that everyone living in Lincolnshire will be able to access greater provision of proactive, personalised and coordinated care in their local community. 

When they were first introduced in July 2019, PCNs built on the services provided by GP practices to provide extended services for people living in their local communities.  To enable these developments an additional 151 additional staff were appointed to new roles for example clinical pharmacists, social prescribing and First contact practitioners (physiotherapists). 

As PCNs have developed, colleagues are increasingly working with other organisations and communities to promote and drive the development of services that best reflect the needs of their local population.  These arrangements are the foundation of integrated care and are at the heart of improving the health of people. 

During the last 12 months, in addition to the introduction of new roles, PCNs have established stronger links with care home and developed a more co-ordinated approach to providing multi-disciplinary support for residents. 

In addition to progressing local service developments the PCNs in Lincolnshire were the backbone of the Covid vaccination programme. Each of the 15 PCNs were involved in delivering local vaccinations so that their patients were protected against the vaccine as soon as was practically possible. 

In the coming year PCNs will continue to work with partners and local people to understand local issues to continue to provide the personalised care valued by patients

Lincolnshire PCN Alliance

In Lincolnshire, we have formed a PCN Alliance to act as a single voice for PCNs, working collaboratively with our health and care partners. By working as a Lincolnshire-wide Alliance we have a stronger voice to influence new pathways, service delivery and workforce development that will bring investment into primary care. For more information, visit