What we have done so far

This page has been created to demonstrate the relevant Equality, Inclusion and Human Rights publications from the former CCGs since they impact on the new NHS Lincolnshire CCG and show the relevant journey the organisation has undertaken.

NHS Lincolnshire CCG, formed on 1 April 2020, is the integration of the four previous CCGs in Lincolnshire: NHS Lincolnshire East, South, South West and Lincolnshire West CCGs. As part of the development of NHS Lincolnshire’s Equality approach the relevant teams reviewed the Equality Objectives, NHS Equality Delivery System outcomes and NHS Workforce Race Equality Standard action plans and data to inform the approach going forward.

The relevant historic compliance of each organisation is included for reference in the sections below (this was formerly published on each historic organisation’s website):

NHS Lincolnshire East CCG

NHS Lincolnshire South CCG

NHS Lincolnshire South West CCG

NHS Lincolnshire West CCG

Since its formation in 2013 the former CCG, Lincolnshire West, followed a commitment to the Equality Act 2010, the Public Sector Equality Duty and from its establishment in 2015 the NHS Workforce Race Equality Standard.

The CCG’s Annual Equality reports, which include, EDS2 publication, Equality Objective updates and a population summary are included below:

The former CCG’s Equality Objectives (set in March 2019) are also included with relevant updates.

  1. The CCG to work towards a comprehensive understanding of the barriers to accessing services experienced by patients. To work to reduce the barriers identified with partner organisations and stakeholders.
  2. The organisation will ensure that due regard is given to the needs of the CCG’s population during service change, including vulnerable groups, through effective engagement aligned with the profile of the population affected by particular changes.
  3. The organisation will use the findings from the NHS Workforce Race Equality Standard, Workforce Disability Equality Standard and the Staff Survey reporting requirement to inform a broader action plan to develop inclusive, supportive values and competencies across the workforce.
  4. The CCG’s leadership will, as system leaders, continue to champion improved outcomes for vulnerable groups and tackle health inequalities across the CCG.

WRES Reports and Action plans

As part of its commitment to the NHS Workforce Race Equality Standard the CCG published annual templates and action plans as included below. These will now form part of the approach taken by NHS Lincolnshire CCG going forward.


SLCCG and SWLCCG combined report