Help us to shape the new NHS Continuing Healthcare Equity and Choice Policy

NHS Continuing Healthcare (CHC) is a package of ongoing care that is arranged and funded by the NHS for people who are eligible after assessment of their health and social needs.

See further information and the eligibility of this service – NHS Continuing Healthcare.

What is this survey about?

We are engaging with the public and staff to understand your views to help inform the new Continuing Healthcare Equity and Choice Policy and understand what impact the new arrangements might have.

Current service

Currently individuals are given a choice to have care provided at home or in a care home.  Lincolnshire Integrated Care Board (ICB) only request costings from the preferred area of care.

This does not guarantee a preferred provider as the ICB gains 3 quotes to ensure safety and the most cost effective care is going to be commissioned.

Proposed future service 

The proposed changes going forward are that:-

  • Any new applications will receive 3 quotes from both care home and home care providers.
  • individual’s views will be taken into account, however these will be taken into account within a risk assessment which will also include patient safety.
  • Lincolnshire Integrated Care Board will ensure that patients receive the best package of care that meets their needs safely and is the most cost effective.
  • This may mean that you, or the person you care for, may be placed in a care home rather than staying at home.

Engagement events

We will also be holding 2 engagement events to answer any questions you may have.

These will be held on:-

Places for these events are limited so please register to secure your place.

You can also find out further information via our Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ’s) below.

If you would prefer to speak to a member of our team about your experience/s, you need support in completing the survey, require an alternative format/s, require the survey in another language or you require the services of an interpreter, please contact the Engagement Team via e-mail –

Please complete our survey by 19 November 2024.

We need your views

We are engaging with the public and staff to understand your views to help inform the new Continuing Healthcare Equity and Choice Policy and understand what impact the new arrangements might have.

Complete our survey

Have some questions? Please see our Frequently Asked Questions below:

  • Why is the ICB putting this policy in place?

    To ensure the ICB is commissioning packages of care in accordance with its duties, as set out in the National Framework for Continuing Healthcare and NHS funded Nursing care (revised 2022) (the Framework) whilst also meeting its financial responsibilities, as set out with the national Health Service Act (2006). Meeting both these requirements is important to ensure all individuals are treated fairly when considering care provision.

  • Will I be forced into a care home?

    No. The ICB must undertake a risk assessment before offering a package of care and this assessment will determine what care will safely meet your needs and makes best use of public funds. If, after this assessment process, a care home is deemed the most suitable place for your care, and is the only offer made, you have the right to decline the offer. This does not however mean the ICB has to offer an alternative because a safe and affordable offer has been made.

  • Will I have a choice of home care provider?

    If care at home is offered through a package of care offered by the ICB, this will be provided by the commissioned provider within your area and therefore a choice of provider will not be offered. You do have the option to request a direct payment to source care yourself instead and if this is agreed you could find your own care provider. The care must still be delivered within an agreed budget.

  • Will I have a choice of care homes if that is the type of care appropriate for me?

    If more than one care home provider accepts the referral and makes an offer to meet your care needs within the ICBs expected costs, then all these placements will be offered to you to choose from. If only one provider offers, the opportunity to choose would no longer apply.

  • If I am placed in a care home setting, can I keep my own GP?

    It will depend if the care home is within the catchment area of your current GP. If it is then yes, if it is not you may be asked to change GP practices.

  • If I go into a care home setting, will I still be close to my family?

    The Continuing Health Care (CHC) team will place you as close as possible to your preferred place, including near to family, however the specific location will depend on which care homes can meet your needs.

  • What if I need urgent care?

    In urgent situations, where services may need to be commissioned very quickly, there may not be time to apply equity and choice policy because it is more important to prioritise the safety of the person needing care. If this occurs, the CHC team will take reasonable steps to work in partnership with you and your representative to ensure that the best possible care is provided.

  • What if I am end of life?

    Fast-Tracked individuals are deemed to be near end of life. NHS LICB will support the principle of you having the right to choose the setting for your end-of-life care, providing the care meets your needs and is equitable.

  • What if I already have a package of care in place – will this change on a review?

    If your assessed needs remain the same and there is no requirement to increase the current package of care then the package of care will remain in place. However, if there has been a change and the package of care needs to increase, the ICB will ensure the proposed increase is cost effective and makes the best use of public funds.

  • Can I appeal a decision made about my care?

    If you or your representative wish to appeal a decision which affects you, you have a right to do so by contacting NHS Lincolnshire ICB, which must be within 14 days of being notified of the decision. All appeals will be considered at the CHC funding panel by the Associate Chief Nurse and the Deputy Chief Finance Officer.