Give us your views on wheelchair and equipment services?

Have you or someone you care for or support recently used the Community Equipment Service or the Wheelchair Service in Lincolnshire?  If so, NHS Lincolnshire CCG and Lincolnshire County Council are seeking your views.

To help shape the future of these services we are asking service users, their families, carers and supporters to share their views by taking part in our online survey.

Online survey

This survey will be open until midnight on Sunday, 2 April, 2022.

We expect to launch a contract procurement process, and would like to involve you, so that your opinions can be considered in the development of the specification.  We would like to hear about your health care needs, how these services can support you to stay healthy, and access the right healthcare service when you need them.  Ultimately, we need to understand what an excellent service would feel like for you.

In addition, there will be two online Service User Engagement Co-Production Events, which will take place using Microsoft Teams, the details of which – including joining instructions – are below:

At these events people using or who have an interest in these services will be able to give their views on the current services and share any thoughts or ideas they may have on how the service could be improved and delivered in future.

If you would like to speak to someone about this or book in for one of the events via telephone, rather than online, or you need support to complete the survey please contact Claire Hornsby, Engagement Manager, 07890 047 409

Martin Fahy, Director of Nursing at NHS Lincolnshire CCG, said:

“We are particularly interested in hearing about how the services are currently being provided and how they could be improved as we move forward.  As local healthcare commissioners, we would like to involve you in shaping the future of the services to ensure we can support you to stay healthy and/or access the right healthcare services when you need them, in the right place at the right time.”

Published 22/03/2022