The safeguarding team comprises of designated nurses, designated doctor, named safeguarding GP, adult and children specialist safeguarding nurses and admin, who have a wealth of knowledge and experience.
The team works in partnership with ICB colleagues, health provider organisations and primary care to ensure safeguarding responsibilities are upheld. It supports the ICB in making sure that the services it commissions are safe and effective by collaborating closely with different stakeholders and organisations across Lincolnshire.
The safeguarding team provides governance, advice, training and supervision to other NHS organisations and training to ICB Staff and Primary Care.
The team represent health at Lincolnshire’s safeguarding boards (Lincolnshire Safeguarding Adults Board, Lincolnshire Safeguarding Children Partnership and Lincolnshire Domestic Abuse Partnership) and the sub-groups for these.
The safeguarding team engages in a variety of place-based multi-agency forums, supporting the Lincolnshire system, at both strategic and operational levels, to safeguard children, young people, and adults at risk of abuse and neglect.
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