Help us to shape your GP services in Lincolnshire
Primary Care includes General Practice (GPs), community pharmacy, optometry (eye health) and dental services. These services are essential to improving the whole person health of our population across Lincolnshire and we currently deliver some outstanding primary care across the county. But we also recognise that services are also under considerable pressure with inequalities in outcomes for our patients, workforce gaps and high workload. We need to work differently across the whole health and care system to manage these pressures and are developing a Primary Care Strategy to support this.
Our strategy will be guided by national policies, tailored local plans, continuous insights, and feedback from the people and communities across Lincolnshire. It will also involve the collaboration of our primary care staff and wider system partners.
Our aim is to support the delivery of our vision for health and care: ensuring that the people of Lincolnshire have the best start in life and are supported to live, age, and die well (Lincolnshire’s Integrated Care Strategy (ICS) vision).
We want you to share your experiences of GP services in Lincolnshire and your ideas for future improvements.
This engagement is now closed for review.
If you would prefer to speak to a member of our team about your experience/s, you need support in completing the survey, require an alternative format/s, require the survey in another language or you require the services of an interpreter, please contact the Engagement Team via e-mail: