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Lincolnshire Research and Innovation Registry
We will keep your details on our registry and get in touch when we have something that might be of interest to you. We will send you further details and then we will give you the opportunity to get involved if you want to. Depending on what you select, will depend on how often we get in touch. Please contact if you no longer wish to be on our registry.
Improving Black Health Outcomes BioResource
The aim of the IBHO BioResource is to research the social and biological causes, and impacts, of a broad range of health conditions and illnesses in people from Black communities in the UK. These include disorders that affect people from Black communities at increased rates, such as diabetes and pregnancy/childbirth complications, but also conditions that almost exclusively affect those from Black communities such as sickle cell disease. The IBHO BioResource is also designed to examine some conditions such as anxiety, depression, and dermatological problems, about which not enough is known in Black communities.
For the IBHO BioResource, Black communities refers to individuals who are from the following ethnic backgrounds: Black African, Black Caribbean, Black African-Caribbean, Black British, Black Welsh, Black Irish, Black Scottish, Dual or Mixed Black heritage, and/or Black ‘other’
Eligible participants will be asked to complete a short questionnaire (about 20 min) and provide a blood or saliva sample.
To find out more information and to sign up, get in touch with the Lincolnshire Partnership Foundation Research team at:
Genetic Links to Anxiety & Depression (GLAD) Study
This is an important study looking at genetic links of anxiety and depression. It’s a relatively short (approx. 20 mins) online questionnaire and then a FREEPOST saliva sample (this is how they collect the ‘genetic’ component). It is open to ANYONE in the UK with or without anxiety and/or depression who is aged 16+. This study is the largest of its kind, aiming for 40,000 participants!
To find out more information and take part, visit: Genetic Links to Anxiety and Depression | GLAD Study, and when asked where you heard about the GLAD study, choose Lincolnshire Partnership Foundation Trust from the dropdown.
Eating Disorders Genetics Initiative (EDGI)
This study is looking at genetic risk factors of eating disorders, including gene-environment interactions, to evaluate risk and predict response to treatment, as well as prognosis. It’s important research, especially because of the increase in individuals contacting Eating Disorder Services during the COVID-19 pandemic. The study is an online questionnaire (approx. 30 mins long) and then a FREEPOST saliva kit (to collect the ‘genetic’ component). It’s open to anyone aged 16 years and over, living in England, and who has experienced symptoms of any eating disorder (this does not have to have been diagnosed).
To find out more information and sign up, visit Eating Disorders Genetics Initiative | EDGI UK, and when asked where you heard about the EDGI study, choose Lincolnshire Partnership Foundation Trust from the dropdown.