Choose well Lincolnshire

Choose well Lincolnshire is our guide to helping you find the the right health service for your needs.

Please click on the boxes below to find out more.

Self-care: how can I help myself and others?

Help us help you this winter and follow our guide to staying well and our health services in Lincolnshire.

Self referral for patients

Self-referral is an option where you can contact the service directly, it can make it easier and faster for you to get help.


Think pharmacy first! Pharmacists are experts in medicines who can help you with minor health concerns and provide a range of services and support.

Your GP

Talk to your GP, nurse, or other healthcare professionals about symptoms that aren’t going away.

NHS 111

NHS 111 can help if you think you need medical help right now. 111 online will direct you to the best place to get help for your symptoms.

Download the NHS App

The NHS App allows you to access a range of NHS services. Use it to order repeat prescriptions, manage appointments, view your GP medical records and more!

Download the WaitLess App

The WaitLess app combines current waiting time, queue numbers and travel-time at urgent care facilities in the county.

Urgent Treatment Centres

Urgent treatment centres provide medical help when it’s not a life-threatening emergency.

Accident and Emergency (A&E)

A&E (accident and emergency) is for serious injuries and life-threatening emergencies only.

Mental Health & Wellbeing Support

There are a range of local support services in the community and information and advice to support your mental health and wellbeing.

Dental Support and Treatment

For urgent dental support and treatment, please call your local NHS dental practice. For urgent care out-of-hours, visit NHS 111 online or call 111.

Still unsure what to do?

If you’re still not sure what to do, NHS 111 can help you.

They will ask questions about your symptoms, so you get the help you need. If you need to go to A&E, NHS 111 will book an arrival time. This might mean you spend less time in A&E.

You can get help from or call 111. It’s available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.