Mental health and disabilities
Lincolnshire Partnership NHS Foundation Trust (LPFT) provide a range of mental health services, as well as support for people with learning disabilities. Find information and support for your mental health.
Other services include:
SEND Local Offer
The Local Offer brings together information for children and young people with special educational needs and disabilities and their families.
Lincolnshire Autism Strategy
This strategy has been created with input from autistic people of all ages, family and carers, together with professionals from across Lincolnshire’s Integrated Care System (ICS).
MHDLDA Mental Health Inpatient Strategy
Our aim is to ensure that inpatient services are local, inclusive and deliver safe, effective and compassionate care to all. Find out more about our 3 year vision for Lincolnshire (2024 – 2027).
Worried about your own or someone else’s memory? Find out about dementia diagnosis, dementia prevention and Lincolnshire’s Memory Support Service.
Emotional wellbeing and mental health for children and young people
Information, advice and support for emotional wellbeing, mental health or behavioural concerns.
Learning from Lives and Deaths Review (LeDeR)
LeDeR is short for an NHS programme called ‘Learning from lives and deaths – People with a learning disability and autistic people’.