Previous consultations and engagement
On this page you can find details of previous consultations or engagement exercises which have closed.
If you click on the relevant section you are interested in, you will find relevant information and reports when these are made available.
Most recent
Tell us your views on the NHS Continuing Healthcare service in care homes
We want to hear your views and experiences, whether you or someone you know or care for, is using, or has used, the continuing healthcare service in care homes as we go through a re-procurement process.
Help us to shape respiratory care services in Lincolnshire
We want to hear the views and experiences from people who have recently had contact with healthcare services in Lincolnshire because of a respiratory problem.
Have you had tests for bowel cancer?
Have you been recently referred on to the Rapid Access Colorectal Pathway (tests for bowel cancer) by your doctor to rule out the possibility of a Bowel cancer? Discover how your views and experiences can help and support other people that have those tests too!
We are looking for people who have been through tests such as colonoscopy, CT scan, gastroscopy or barium meal; and received a diagnosis confirming they are clear of bowel cancer.
Urgent Treatment Centre attendance survey
Have you attended an Urgent Treatment Centre (UTC) in Lincolnshire? Your feedback will help us understand the common scenarios and concerns patients face when seeking medical attention for themselves or for their children. This information will be valuable for improving emergency care and education.
Valproate Medication Survey
Do you take Valproate medication? We are gathering feedback and experiences from people who have used this medication to inform how we deliver this in the future and to continuously improve our services.
Share your experiences of diagnostic services
We are currently exploring how future diagnostic services could be delivered across Lincolnshire and are seeking your views and experiences. In particular we want to gather feedback on your experiences of the service you received and what changes you would like to see in the future.
- Risk stratification – How we use patient information engagement
- NHS Lincolnshire Joint Forward Plan 2023-28 Engagement
- Review of the care provided in Lincolnshire, to adults with ADHD
- LIVES Falls Response Service
- WaitLess App
- Relocation of Meridian Medical PCN Enhanced Access Hub
- Children and Younger People Engagement – Asthma, Diabetes and Epilepsy
- Lincolnshire NHS Tobacco Dependency Service Engagement
- VOICES Survey 2023 | End of life care
- Developing Lincolnshire’s Living with Cancer Strategy 2023-28 Engagement
- Diabetes Prevention Engagement
- Musculoskeletal (MSK) Pathway for Hip and Knee Services Engagement