Meet the Board
The NHS Lincolnshire Integrated Care Board is composed of the following members:
Dr Gerry McSorley
ICB Chair
Executive Directors
Mr John Turner
Chief Executive
Matt Gaunt
Director of Finance
Martin Fahy
Director of Nursing
Dr Sunil Hindocha
Medical Director
Mrs Clair Raybould
Director for System Delivery
Partner Members
Dr. Kevin Thomas
Primary Care
Councillor Wendy Bowkett
Local Authority
Andrew Morgan
NHS and Foundation Trusts
Executive Mental Health Member
Sarah Connery
Chief Executive Lincolnshire Partnership NHS Foundation Trust
Non-Executive Directors
Dawn Kenson
Julie Pomeroy
Margaret Pratt
Sharon Robson
Anita Day
Regular Participants of the Board
The ICB will have regular participants at its Board meetings as set out below:
Councillor Sue Woolley
Chair of the Health and Wellbeing Board
Professor Derek Ward
Public Health Representative
Mr Pete Burnett
Director of Strategic Planning, Integration and Partnerships
Mrs Sarah-Jane Mills
Director for Primary Care and Community and Social Value
Mrs Sandra Williamson
Director for Health Inequalities and Regional Collaboration
Mr Navaz Sutton
Healthwatch Representative
Mrs Michele Jolly
Voluntary and Care Sector Representative