Health and wellbeing research and innovation in Lincolnshire

Raising the profile of research and innovation in Lincolnshire is important. There is limited research conducted in rural and coastal places both in the UK and internationally and as a large rural and coastal county we have a great opportunity to help fill this gap. We are very keen to grow and use research and innovation to improve the services that are delivered in our county.

As part of the progress to grow research and innovation, Lincolnshire has launched a Research & Innovation Hub.

The hub is a virtual place to bring together the Lincolnshire public, our health and care staff, our colleagues at our universities and other partners to grow research and innovation in our county for everyone’s benefit.

Research takes place across our health and care system.

More information can be found on our organisations dedicated research pages:

Launch of Lincolnshire’s Research and Innovation Hub

Please see the Chief Executives of our health and care organisations talking about research and innovation and the Hub launch.

The first Research and Innovation strategy for Lincolnshire

The Lincolnshire Integrated Care System (ICS) has published its first draft research and innovation strategy and sets out our collective vision for the next five years.

The strategy was developed through a series of collaborative workshops which brought members of the Lincolnshire public together with organisations from across the Lincolnshire system. During these workshops four principles were agreed on. These state that by 2029 research and innovation in Lincolnshire will:

  • Reflect the needs of our communities.
  • Be built on collaborative, co-ordinated and trusted partnerships.
  • Have research, innovation and evidence embedded in everything we do.
  • Be delivered by a sustainable, capable and confident workforce

These principles provide a collective focus for our system organisations, partners and our public, and outlines the way we will work together to drive research and innovation within our county.