Lincolnshire NHS Tobacco Dependency Service Engagement

Developing the Lincolnshire Tobacco Dependency Service.

We want your views, whether you are a smoker, or a non smoker, on:-

 • What would help you or someone you know or care for stop smoking?
 • Any further information or support you need to help you stop smoking, or alternatively keep you motivated to continue to stop smoking.
 • If you have previously accessed a Tobacco Dependency Service, your experiences of using the service – areas that worked well to help you stop smoking and areas that you feel require improvement in the service.
 • Your thoughts on our new dedicated NHS Lincolnshire Tobacco Dependency Service – QUIT, a jointly branded initiative with STAAR.

Contributions to this engagement are closed for evaluation and review.

This consultation is now closed but you can still have your say. Please contact us to share your experiences and/or feedback,