Better health – Let’s Move Lincolnshire

Let’s Move Lincolnshire is here to help you get active in a way that works for you.

Being active is about finding what works well for you. That might mean starting small and growing your levels gradually.

Visit Let’s Move Lincolnshire for helpful advice on getting active depending on your needs.

Benefits of Being Active

  • Boosting your mood and giving you more energy
  • Helping you stay fit
  • Preventing a range of health conditions
  • Meeting new people
  • Getting out and about
  • Learning new skills.

Whatever your age, or current level of fitness you can benefit from becoming more active.

How Active Should I Be?

To stay fit and healthy it is recommended that adults should do at least 150 minutes (2 hours and 30 minutes) of physical activity a week. This should include moderate intensity aerobic activity (activities that make you feel warmer and raise your heart rate), as well as well as muscle-strengthening activities, such as yoga, lifting weights (or carrying heavy shopping bags) on at least two days a week.

Any amount of exercise is better than none, and you’ll feel the benefits with even small increases in your activity level.

If you have any concerns about your health speak to your doctor or health professional before starting on a new exercise programme.