Lincolnshire ICB urges people to take up screening invites on World Cancer Day

People living in Lincolnshire are being urged to take up potentially life-saving cancer screenings. The call comes just in time for World Cancer Day which is used to spread the word about the disease and how we can all take steps to prevent it.

Sunil Hindocha
Dr. Sunil Hindocha, GP and Medical Director for NHS Lincolnshire Integrated Care Board

If you have any concerns or are experiencing any symptoms please contact your GP Practice to arrange an appointment.

Dr Sunil Hindocha, GP and Medical Director for  NHS Lincolnshire Integrated Care Board said:

It is really important for anyone offered a screening to take the offer up as catching cancer early saves lives. Screening plays a vital part by looking for early signs that could indicate cancer is developing. It helps to spot cancers at an early stage, when treatment is more likely to be successful and chances of survival are much better.

Screening can help to prevent cancers from developing if any changes are detected early. We do need more people to come forward when offered screening so that we can identify problems earlier and lead to better outcomes for patients.

However, more than 40 per cent of cancer-related deaths could be preventable as they are linked to risk factors such as smoking, alcohol use, poor diet and physical inactivity.

World Cancer Day is a perfect opportunity for people to spread the word about cancer and how we all can take steps to prevent it. One of the things we can do is to take up our NHS cancer screening invitations.

This year’s World Cancer Day’s theme is ‘United by Unique”. The theme is about a patient centred approach to cancer care, placing individuals and their stories at the heart of any conversation.

For further information about World Cancer Day visit