Joint Forward Plan – have your say

Image of a laptop open with the NHS Lincolnshire Join Forward Plan 2023 - 2028 on the screen.

Together in partnership with health and social care partners across the county, the NHS in Lincolnshire has recently produced our ‘Joint Forward Plan’ (JFP). The JFP is a nationally mandated strategic document which describes local ambition and plans and how NHS partners across Lincolnshire will work together over the next five years to meet the needs of local people.  The plan is based on conversations we have had with local people, staff and partners and recognises that by working together we can help to resolve challenges as a collective.

The main focus of the plan is our commitment to delivering a new conversation with you our residents and users of the services we provide in Lincolnshire. It is all about people and working together to help them live their best and healthiest lives ever.  In addition the new conversation we are starting, we are asking for views on four remaining priorities which were identified for Lincolnshire:

  • living well and staying well,
  • improving access,
  • delivering integrated community care and,
  • a happy and valued workforce,

A significant emphasis is on doing things differently and working together to help co-produce services together as well as helping people to support themselves and others. 

Each one of us will need to use the NHS at some point in our lives and so it is vital that together we shape local services to best suit you whenever that need might be.

To help strengthen our plan we want to continue the discussions we have started with our communities about our five priorities and we need your help to ensure this conversation continues to help drive improvements to your local NHS. 

We want to hear from you as we continue to monitor and review our five priorities to ensure they are still relevant and align with Lincolnshire’s population needs. We want to hear your thoughts on our document as a whole, whether it is engaging and informative. And would welcome your further feedback on our five priorities. Get involved and have your say.

Current Engagement

We want to hear your thoughts on our document as a whole, whether it is engaging and informative. And would welcome your further feedback on our five priorities.

Complete our survey – Joint Forward Plan – Document Review Complete our survey – Feedback on our five priorities

Any individuals who might be interested in engaging further and sharing their views directly should contact

Joint Forward Plan