Welcome to Lincolnshire’s Research and Innovation Hub which is part of LIfE – Lincolnshire Improvement for Everyone.

The hub is a virtual place to bring together the Lincolnshire public, our health and care staff, our colleagues at our universities and other partners to grow research and innovation in our county for everyone’s benefit. Please scroll down to find out more ⬇️
These pages were developed in partnership with the Lincolnshire public who attended two online workshops. Special thanks is given to Rose Brown: Chair of the Lincolnshire Research Patient and Public Forum at United Lincolnshire Hospitals Trust.
Launch of Lincolnshire’s Research and Innovation Hub
Please see the Chief Executives of our health and care organisations talking about research and innovation and the Hub launch.
Join our Lincolnshire Research and Innovation Registry
Complete our quick form and sign up to get involved in health and wellbeing research and innovation in Lincolnshire.
Sign up today!