Current surveys and consultations
On this page you can find details of current consultations or engagement exercises.
Please click on the relevant section you are interested in for more information about how you can get involved.
Review of patient experiences on the Prostate Cancer Pathway
Can you help us to improve our prostate cancer services? Please share your feedback and experiences with us.
Help us to shape our Equality, Diversity and Inclusion Strategy
We would love to hear your feedback to help shape our Equality, Diversity and Inclusion Strategy.
Help us to shape a new Lung Cancer Screening Programme in Lincolnshire
The NHS in Lincolnshire is preparing to launch a new Lung Cancer Screening Programme in Lincolnshire for individuals aged 55 to 74 who currently smoke or have smoked in the past.
NHS Public Engagement – Stamford and surrounding area
Tell us about what is important to you in your local health and care services.
Musculoskeletal Physiotherapy services in Lincolnshire
Please share your experiences and views of MSK physiotherapy services in Lincolnshire to help shape how they are delivered in the future.
Help shape urgent mental health care in Lincolnshire
We want to hear about your experiences and views on how urgent mental health care is currently delivered in the county.
Share your experiences of care
Have you or someone you cared for recently used NHS services?
We would like to hear from our patients and groups from all communities, towns and villages across Lincolnshire to help us to understand your experiences, both good and areas that you feel require improvement, in using NHS services.