Boston Enhanced Access Appointments Engagement
Proposed relocation of Enhanced Access Appointments from The Sidings Medical Practice to Parkside Medical Centre.
Our Enhanced Access service is where routine appointments are available Monday to Friday 6.30pm to 8pm and Saturday 9am to 5pm. In addition some of the practices can offer some appointments between 7am-8am where there is a need.
Boston Primary Care Network (PCN) is made up of:
- Greyfriars Surgery
- Kirton Medical Centre
- Liquorpond Surgery
- Parkside Medical Centre
- The Sidings Medical Practice
- Swineshead Medical Group
As a patient we are encouraging you to share feedback on:
Our proposal to relocate the weekday evening and Saturday Enhanced Access appointments currently provided at The Sidings Medical Practice to Parkside Medical Centre, Tawney Street, Boston, PE21 6DF and for the PCN to provide the service fully, instead of using an external provider. The service will be delivered by Parkside Medical Practice and Greyfriars Surgery staff.
The Sidings Medical Practice currently offer appointments between 7am-8am provided by their own staff and appointments offered at Swineshead Medical Group (Tuesday and Thursday 6.30pm -8.00pm and Saturday 9am-4pm) and Parkside Medical Centre (7.30am-8am) will both remain unaffected.
This engagement is now closed.
Drop-in events are took place on Thursday 29 August 2024 at the Len Medlock Voluntary Centre, St Georges Rd, Boston PE21 8YB.
If you would prefer to speak to a member of our team about your experience/s, please contact the Engagement Team via e-mail: