Help us to shape Musculoskeletal Physiotherapy services in Lincolnshire

This survey has been extended. If you completed this survey previously when it was first released in October you do not need to complete it again.

Musculoskeletal conditions affect almost a third of adults in the UK and can affect your joints, bones and muscles and sometimes associated tissues such as nerves. Symptoms can include limited movement, pain, stiffness and disability which can affect quality of life and independence.

Musculoskeletal Physiotherapy is a type of rehabilitation therapy which helps people who have issues with the muscles, joints and connective tissues. It can help restore movement and function, improve posture and promote health and wellbeing.

Current service

The AQP MSK Physiotherapy Service is provided from a number of locations and providers (both NHS and private providers who hold a NHS contract) across Lincolnshire. There are currently 13 providers offering services both in a community and hospital setting in the county. AQP stands for Any Qualified Provider Scheme. It means that, after a GP refers a patient, the patient can choose from a list of qualified providers who meet NHS service quality requirements, prices and normal contractual obligations.

The current service enables patients with a diagnosed Musculoskeletal condition to be referred for Physiotherapy treatment, this may be for a single session or multiple appointments. The diagnosis of a MSK condition and referral to a MSK Physiotherapist is usually made by a General Practitioner or a First Contact Practitioner (FCP’s) who is a specialist in Physiotherapy.

We are reviewing the MSK physiotherapy service to ensure that this is commissioned based on clinical evidence for treatment. We also want to ensure that any service we commission is based on the current models of care which includes assessments and diagnosis by FCP’s, use of digital tools and technology, and the use of group rehabilitation.

We need your views

Please share your experiences and views of MSK physiotherapy services in Lincolnshire to help shape how they are delivered in the future. Even if you haven’t used these services before, we would still like to hear your thoughts on what is important for services in the future. We also need to consider patients ability to access services, whether it be at face to face appointments, or online access.

This engagement closed on Friday 24th January 2025.

If you would prefer to speak to a member of our team about your experience/s, you need support in completing the survey, require an alternative format/s, require the survey in another language or you require the services of an interpreter, please contact the Engagement Team via e-mail: