Our integrated care system (ICS)

Integrated Care Systems (ICSs) are partnerships of organisations that come together to plan and deliver joined up health and care services.

There is a long history of joint working in Lincolnshire between the Local Authority, the NHS, and wider partners.  We have worked hard to build the relationships needed to support the people of Lincolnshire to enjoy the highest quality health and wellbeing for themselves, their families, and their communities. We are pleased with the progress we have made and are confident we have developed the right principles and values to guide us.

Since the inception of ICBs and ICSs, organisations in Lincolnshire have been working in an even more collaborative way to develop more integrated care. This includes NHS organisations, local authorities, the voluntary, community, faith and social enterprise (VCFSE) sector, hospices and local universities.

We have already made great progress in improving the way our services work together and how we work as a partnership. Joining up health and care is nothing new – we have been working towards this for some years, and we want to build on this excellent work.

The Lincolnshire NHS Integrated Care Board is part of the ‘Better Lives Lincolnshire’ alliance, the name we use to describe Lincolnshire’s Integrated Care System (ICS).

Our shared ambition is…

The emerging shared ambition for Better Lives Lincolnshire, by 2030, is a simple one… For the people of Lincolnshire to have the best possible start in life, and be supported to live, age and die well.

How will we deliver this?

Underpinning our ambition, we have defined four aims that set our strategic direction for the health and care system in Lincolnshire. See details on our strategies and plans, including both the Better Lives Lincolnshire Integrated Care Partnership Strategy and the Lincolnshire NHS Joint Forward Plan.

Our plans and priorities