Sharing your views – intermediate care services in Lincolnshire

A photo of an older man, intermediate care services.

The people of Lincolnshire are being invited to share their views about services for those who need short-term care to help regain independence after a hospital stay, or if they are at risk of being admitted to hospital or a care home, as part of a review of intermediate care in the county.

The Lincolnshire Integrated Care System (ICS) is developing a new Intermediate Care Strategy for 2025-2030.

The strategy will assess services like reablement, crisis response, and home-based or bed-based care. These help people recover from illness, treatment, falls, or accidents.

A public engagement exercise has launched this week. Patients, staff, and the public can give feedback on current services and suggest improvements.

The review covers reablement, transitional care, active recovery, community hospital beds, Urgent Community Response (UCR), Discharge to Assess (D2A), and the Hospital Avoidance Response Team (HART).

All feedback will help shape future plans. The aim is to ensure services meet local needs.

To provide your feedback, complete the survey here Intermediate Care Survey – public.

For more information, visit