Children and young people
Health and wellbeing support for children and young people.
“Everyone working together to maximise the health and wellbeing of all children and young people, ensuring the voice of children and families is heard throughout our work.”
Please find below a series of links to information and advice relating to the health and wellbeing of children and young people.
Children’s health
Better Births Lincolnshire
Whether you are planning a baby, already pregnant or have a young family already, we hope you will find lots of useful information about what to expect and what is available to you in Lincolnshire.
Start for life
Help and advice available in Lincolnshire for everyone during pregnancy, when giving birth and during the first two years of a child’s life.
Children’s health
The Children’s Health 0-19 service is a team of health visitors, children’s and young people’s nurses and family health workers working together to provide services across Lincolnshire to improve children’s health in the community.
Paediatric services in our hospitals
Across United Lincolnshire Hospitals NHS Trust we provide a comprehensive paediatric service for children ranging from 0 to 16 years of age.
A parent’s guide to keeping kids healthy this school year
This blog post covers steps you can take to help protect your family from seasonal illnesses and how to make informed decisions on whether your child is well enough to attend school or college.
It’s important that vaccines are given on time for the best protection, but if you or your child missed a vaccine, contact your GP to catch up.
Long Covid support for children and young people
Information, advice and support for children and young people living with Long COVID and related illnesses, and for the parents/caregivers who look after them.
Childhood asthma
Asthma is the most common long-term medical condition in children in the UK, with around one in 11 children and young people living with asthma.
Young people and vaping
Information and advice about vaping and young people. Young people who have never smoked should also be discouraged from vaping.
Epilepsy in childhood
Information about the diagnosis and treatment of childhood epilepsy and how epilepsy may affect a child’s life.
Diabetes in children and young people
Information and support for diabetes. The most common diabetes in children is Type 1 but they can develop Type 2 diabetes.
Sexual health services
The Lincolnshire Sexual Health service (LiSH) provides integrated sexual health and contraception services to the people of Lincolnshire.
NHS Lincolnshire Integrated Care Board (ICB) works with health service providers and a range of other local partner organisations in the county to ensure that all Lincolnshire vulnerable/at risk adult and children are protected.
Children’s therapy services
If your child is having difficulty developing certain skills they may benefit from specialist assessment, support and advice from our service.
SEND and Lincolnshire’s Local Offer
Lincolnshire’s Local Offer includes services and events for children and young people with special educational needs or disabilities (SEND) and their families.
Mental health and wellbeing
Emotional wellbeing and mental health for children and young people
We want to make sure that children, young people their families and the professionals working with them have access to information, advice and local services that can support them.
Support for children and young people
If you are experiencing difficulty with any aspect of mental health or emotional wellbeing, we have a service that can help, from self help information to specialist mental health services.
Hay Lincolnshire
How are you, Lincolnshire? We are helping people to find local resources to boost their mental health and wellbeing.
Let’s Move Lincolnshire
Let’s Move Lincolnshire is a countywide movement supporting and encouraging everyone in Lincolnshire to be more active. Check out their online Activity Finder!