Our continuous listening model
Our Continuous Listening Model shows how we ensure that patients and the public are at the heart of our decisions and everything we do. We make sure we hear patient and public feedback in several ways; through reports, via our committees and boards, at events as well as directly into the ICB. This means that we can act based on the feedback we hear.
Lincolnshire ICB uses a variety of mechanisms to review and listen to how patients, carers and service users experience our commissioned services including local patient experience intelligence reports, which include complaints, national patient experience survey results as well as feedback from other sources for example Healthwatch Lincolnshire, Patient Participation Groups (PPGs), Listening Clinics, Listening Events, Patient stories, Friends and Family Tests across our providers at Trust and ward level.
All this information is reported into our board meetings and committees to ensure an accurate assessment of the quality of services can be made alongside quality and safety information. Our continuous listening model utilises methods and channels for gathering patient experience, views and engagement feedback.
Our continuous listening model ensures that we are listening to the views of our local population within primary care and across our community groups, seldom heard groups, providers and stakeholders.