HWLincs is pleased to update that on 21 January 2021, HWLincs, along with support from our Healthwatch Lincolnshire team, hosted a successful Lincolnshire Covid-19 Vaccination Information webinar with a panel of key players in the county’s vaccination programme.
Hundreds of people watched the webinar live and the video has had more than 2,500 catch-up views on Facebook over the weekend. In less than four days thousands of Lincolnshire people have benefitted by hearing first-hand from the NHS and Public Health team managing the Lincolnshire Covid-19 Vaccination programme.
During the webinar, the vaccination team explained the roll out of the programme, vaccination information for frontline workers, when vaccinations at care homes will be completed, what people with various health conditions should be doing and how local transport can help people get to the vaccination centres. The 90-minute information session was packed with details but will be followed up with answers to questions posed by the public.
“There is much more information to come,” says Sarah Fletcher, CEO of HWLincs. “We have received more than 250 questions about the Covid-19 vaccination, all of which have been shared anonymously with the vaccination team who are now busy answering each question and will send the answers back to us as soon as possible.”
In its continued effort to be a valuable resource for reliable vaccination information, HWLincs will share the responses with everyone who attended the event and publish them on their website.
Some of the many positive comments HWLincs received from webinar viewers included:
“Thank you, very informative …. Well done. many thanks for the clear answers”
“Excellent webinar – many thanks to HWL and the panellists”
“So pleased to hear that options for administering the vaccine in Sleaford are being considered”
“Very useful & informative webinar – thanks to HWL, panellists and attendees. And to all involved in delivering the vaccinations!”
“Big thank you to everyone involved in this vaccination programme and to those who have given their invaluable time to support this webinar”
“Thank you so much to everybody for this very interesting Webinar.”
If you were unable to join us on the night you can watch the webinar on demand at: www.facebook.com/hwlincs
or on YouTube: https://youtu.be/4PkKB7IE_-w
00:10 The Panel
00:50 Introducing the vaccination team
35:36 When will key workers get the vaccine?
37:00 Are student nurses being used in the vaccination programme?
38:00 Why aren’t unpaid carers being considered for early vaccinations?
41:15 Why can’t carers be vaccinated at the same time as those they care for?
43:10 How will new care home residents be vaccinated?
45:32 How will the vaccination of people without capacity avoid delays or barriers?
46:50 Why have some hub staff been asked to travel for their vaccine?
47:47 When will roving vaccinations become available?
48:40 How do people book in and how do you pick your site?
52:43 How will people without transport be supported to get access to vaccination sites or the roving service?
55:36 When will the Lincoln large vaccination site be open?
56:22 Why is it necessary for patients to give signed consent to have the vaccine?
57:35 Why are second appointments being booked over the phone but not at primary care network sites? (Note – Issue has been resolved)
59:06 What constitutes vulnerability?
1:00:58 If you have had COVID, do you still need a vaccine?
1:01:29 How is support being offered to people with sensory impairment?
1:02:14 Can patients choose which vaccine they have and do both doses have to be the same?
1:04:33 Nationally people in their 70s are being offered the vaccine, when will this happen in Lincolnshire?
1:06:00 When will all over-80s be vaccinated?
1:08:05 Is the system delaying any clinical treatment until patients have had both doses?
1:09:02 How can people with specific underlying medical conditions get advice about any risks of the vaccine?
1:10:05 What are the side effects of the vaccine?
1:11:40 If there is a vaccine supply issue, will first or second doses be prioritised?
1:14:20 Will hospital inpatients be vaccinated in hospital or when they get back into the community?
1:15:15 When will people undergoing treatment such as chemotherapy be offered the vaccine?
1:16:08 How will people who aren’t registered with a GP be able to access the vaccination?
1:19:00 Who should people with specific health conditions speak to for advice?
1:19:50 Are people jumping the queue for vaccinations?
1:22:05 How do the vaccines meet the needs of people’s faith or cultural beliefs?
1:23:00 What are the local vaccination options available to Sleaford residents?
1:25:00 What can the public do to help the vaccination programme?
For more information please contact us
by email: enquiries@hwlincs.co.uk or info@healthwatchlincolnshire.co.uk
or by telephone: 01205 820892
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Published 26/01/2021