Eligible people urged to get ‘winter strong’ and book covid-19 vaccination before 15th December

With just four weeks to go until the current covid-19 vaccination campaign will end, eligible people who wish to take up the offer of a vaccination are being urged to do so whilst they still can before 15th December.

As in previous rounds of the vaccination programme, people with a severe mental illness (SMI), who are aged 16 or over, are eligible for a covid-19 vaccination and the NHS vaccination team in the county is encouraging anyone living with SMI to come forwards for their vaccination.

“If you are living with severe mental illness (SMI), including schizophrenia, bipolar disorder, or any mental illness that can cause severe functional impairment, you are at greater risk from the virus and we would like to give you your covid-19 vaccination as soon as possible,” explains Julie Humphreys, Head of Clinical Services, Lincolnshire Community Health Services NHS Trust.

“You might have received a letter or text from your GP practice inviting you to book in for your vaccination with them.  Alternatively you can book an appointment using the National Booking Service or by calling 119 before the 15th December, which will be the latest date you can book an appointment.” 

It is worth noting that the vaccination team is continuing to roll out a number of outreach covid-19 vaccination clinics for patients registered at Old Leake Medical Centre, Merton Lodge Surgery, Stickney Surgery, Spilsby Surgery, The Suttons Medical Group, or Beechfield Medical Centre – appointments can be booked by calling 01522 301940, Monday to Friday, between 10am and 1pm.  Alternatively they can be attended as a walk-in. 

A list of the scheduled outreach clinics for patients at the practices listed above detailing location and timings above can be found by visiting our grab a jab page.

“When you book your vaccination, please let us know if there are any reasonable adjustments you need to help you feel at ease.  This could include, for example, a longer appointment, an appointment later in the day, somewhere quiet to sit while you wait, support or additional reassurance if you are afraid of needles or asking if someone can come with you to your appointment,” adds Julie.

Having begun on 11th September, now that we are in the final third of the current covid-19 vaccination campaign, the vaccination team is keen to see as many eligible people as possible before 15th December.

“We’ve had a great turnout over the last two months from Lincolnshire people coming forwards for their covid-19 vaccinations.  Now that it’s getting colder and we’re approaching the time of year when respiratory viruses like covid-19 and flu will peak, we’re just as keen to see anyone eligible who would still like to get vaccinated.

“Some of us might even be starting to think about Christmas and seeing friends and family, but remember respiratory viruses spread more easily indoors so it is really important to get ‘winter strong’ by getting vaccinated to maximise your protection,” comments Julie.

GP practices and community pharmacies across Lincolnshire continue to offer both covid-19 and flu vaccinations.  Appointments can either be booked direct with your GP practice or using the National Booking Service or by calling 119. See the list of the community pharmacies and a map showing their location on our ‘grab a jab’ page.

On Saturday 2nd December, the vaccination team at the Weighing Rooms, Carholme Road, Lincoln, will be holding covid-19 vaccination clinics for 5-11 year-olds who are in a clinical risk group, between 9.30am – 1pm, and for 12-17 year-olds who are in a clinical risk group or household contacts of persons (adults or children) who are immunosuppressed, between 1.30pm – 4.30pm.  Either clinic can be booked by parents or guardians using the National Booking Service or by calling 119.