Further strike action by junior doctors is taking place from 7am on 27 June until 7am on 2 July 2024. Please choose NHS services wisely.

Tell us your views on the NHS Continuing Healthcare service in care homes

NHS Continuing Healthcare (CHC) is a package of ongoing care that is arranged and funded by the NHS for people who are eligible after assessment of their health and social needs.  Continuing Healthcare can be provided in a variety of settings outside hospital, such as in your own home or in a registered care home. 

An application for Continuing Healthcare can be made by a health or social care professional completing the Continuing Healthcare checklist to determine if the individual meets the criteria for a full assessment.  If the criteria are met, a multi-disciplinary Team (MDT) will complete a comprehensive assessment of the individuals health and social care needs, using evidence from records and information from the individual and their family, and make a recommendation to the Lincolnshire Integrated Care Board on eligibility. 

What is this survey about?

This survey is about the Continuing Healthcare service in care homes only and not services delivered in people’s own homes or other settings.  The current contract for the NHS continuing healthcare service provided at registered care homes expires on 31 March 2025.

If you would prefer to speak to a member of our team about your experience/s, you need support in completing the survey, require an alternative format/s, require the survey in another language or you require the services of an interpreter, please contact the Engagement Team via e-mail: licb@involveus@nhs.net or on mobile: 07814 226996.


We want to hear your views and experiences, whether you or someone you know or care for, is using, or has used, the continuing healthcare service in care homes as we go through a re-procurement process.  We want to understand what an excellent service would look like for you or your family member.

Complete our survey