Parents and guardians urged to consent and protect their child from the risk of HPV cancers

The NHS in Lincolnshire is strongly urging parents and guardians of boys and girls in Year 8 (12-13 year-olds) to provide their consent for their child to have the HPV vaccine.

The HPV vaccine helps protect against the human papillomarvirus (HPV), more specifically it helps protect against cancers, including cervical, head and neck, and anal and genital cancers, which can affect both boys and girls.

HPV is a virus that’s very common and spread very easily through any form of sexual contact with someone who already has it. Vaccination for boys and girls at a younger age is more effective at protecting them against the virus in the future.

Although most types of HPV are harmless, some types are linked to an increased risk of certain types of cancer (as listed above).  HPV can also cause genital warts.

“The HPV vaccine is not new. Since 2008, over 10 million doses have been administered in the UK, and over 18 million people worldwide have been vaccinated with this vaccine. The HPV vaccine is 99% effective and has already reduced rates of cervical cancer by 90%, explains Dr Sunil Hindocha, Medical Director, NHS Lincolnshire ICB. 

“It is given to Year 8 children in school by our School Age Immunisation Service (SAIS), who will be visiting secondary schools between now and July.  However, parents and guardians need to provide their consent for their child to be vaccinated and should have received a digital consent letter from school.”

Any parents or guardians who, for any reason, have not received this letter can complete it online at HPV Vaccination Consent Form (

“Given what the HPV vaccine provides protection against, I strongly encourage all parents and guardians to provide their consent as soon as possible, to ensure your child can receive the vaccination in school and to help reduce their risk of certain HPV cancers in the future,” adds Dr Hindocha.

If your child missed getting vaccinated when they were 12 or 13 years-old, the HPV vaccine is available free on the NHS for all girls under 25 and boys born after 1st September 2006.  If your child still attends school, you can contact the school age immunisation service. If not, you will need to contact your GP surgery.

For more information on the HPV vaccine, including information about other people who are eligible for the HPV vaccine, visit HPV vaccine – NHS (

The School Age Immunisation Service can be contacted by calling 01522 572950 or by email