The autumn covid-19 vaccination programme has got off to a flying start in Lincolnshire, with significant numbers of eligible people coming forwards already for their vaccination.
GP practices, community pharmacies and the vaccination centres in Grantham and Lincoln have been very busy over the last couple of weeks, with people continuing to come forwards.
“This is great news and all that we could have hoped for in the initial stages of this latest part of the covid-19 vaccination programme,” comments Karen Hewinson, Head of Clinical Services, Lincolnshire Community Health Services NHS Trust.
“Even with this great start we remain keen that, once contacted by their GP practice, people should continue to come forwards for their vaccination. Alternatively, you can book online using the National Booking Service by calling 119.”
The vaccination team are also keen to remind people that there are five GP practices not delivering covid-19 vaccinations and that people registered at one of these practices can call a dedicated phoneline 01522 301940 to book a vaccination at a local outreach clinic.
“People registered at Old Leake Medical Centre, Merton Lodge Surgery, Stickney Surgery, Spilsby Surgery, and The Suttons Medical Group can use the 01522 301940 number Monday to Friday between 9.15am and 4.45pm, to book an appointment locally,” explains Karen.
“Of course, if you would prefer, you can book via the National Booking Service or by calling 119 like everyone else, however, the 01522 301940 number is only for people at the five practices noted and will enable access to an appointment for a covid-19 vaccination at a local outreach clinic.”
More generally speaking, the team are also keen to remind pregnant women, as well as those people with a BMI of 40 or above, that they are also eligible for a covid-19 vaccination.
“If your BMI is 40 or above you are potentially at greater risk from covid-19, however, clinical trials have shown that covid-19 vaccines are highly effective at reducing the risk from covid-19, including for people with obesity.
“Similarly there is a higher risk of getting seriously ill from covid-19 if you are pregnant and if you get covid-19 late in your pregnancy your baby could also be at risk. With this in mind, it’s important to remember that it’s safe to have the covid-19 vaccination during any stage of pregnancy, from the first few weeks up to your expected due date, and you do not need to delay vaccination until after you have given birth,” adds Karen.