The NHS in Lincolnshire is supporting this year’s Recycle Week (16th – 22nd October), which, under the theme of ‘The Big Recycling Hunt’, will be focusing on the items that can and should be recycled but are commonly missed in the home.
“That’s why during Recycle Week we will be encouraging NHS staff to hunt for the items in their homes and also in offices that could and should be recycled,” comments Sarah Connery, Chief Executive, Lincolnshire Partnership NHS Foundation Trust.
The action planned for Recycle Week fits neatly into the guiding principles the NHS in Lincolnshire has adopted, as stated in its ‘Greener NHS Plan’ to:
- Don’t waste anything
- Consider wider opportunities
- Take responsibility and pride
“In July last year, the NHS became the first health system to embed net zero into legislation, so we are working together as a system and recognise the benefits that a greener NHS can bring, particularly to our coastal county which is not immune to the health harms and impacts of climate change,” adds Sarah.
“The key messages for us all are reduce wastage, reuse wherever possible, and recycle as much as we can. These are things that we can all do and to contribute to individually and collectively, and that will become more important with each passing year as we strive to become net zero (for the emissions we control directly) by 2040.”
This determination by the NHS nationally and in Lincolnshire to reach net zero by 2040 won’t be easy but in the county work is already underway.
“Our organisations are working in partnership with Stagecoach to provide discounted bus transport for staff, as well as cycle to work schemes.
“One of our Trusts has reduced its carbon footprint by 40 percent already since April 2019. We are all constantly looking at ways to reduce our impact- through, for example, installation of electric vehicle charging points, delivering a proportion of community contacts through digital means and teaming up with a textile recycler to recycle old uniforms,” explains Sarah.
In addition, all of the NHS organisations in the county are recruiting green champions –members of staff who can champion the commitment to the Greener NHS Plan.
“We still have work to do to achieve our net zero targets but we’re already taking steps in the right direction and initiatives like Recycle Week help to reinforce what we can all do to help, whether that’s in our homes or places of work,” concludes Sarah.